What We Do

The Anchored Mind is based in Warwickshire in the UK. We provide evidence-based wellbeing programmes locally and for organisations based in the UK and Europe. We support individuals and groups to work on a process of self-inquiry, adopt strategies and habits that support physical and mental health. We believe that psychological support and growth can help people to bring their whole selves to the world and create the conditions in which people can flourish. We work with a wide range of clients in both the public and private sector. Our programmes reduce stress, enhance human potential and communication.
We provide scientificially trialled programmes as well as bespoke workshops. These include strategies and skills that enable individuals to respond to their environment and others with compassion and wisdom. Some examples of our previous workshops include:

- Building Psychological Resilience
- Mindfulness as Tiny Habits
- Mindful Communication
- Understanding the Developing Brain
- Avoiding Burnout
-Anxiety management and stress reduction
-Understanding Low Mood and Depression
- Stress Reduction

Danielle also supports clients on an individual basis with an integrative approach that meets their needs. She regularly runs therapeutic groups, wellbeing days, workshops and retreats for organisations and within The Anchored Mind community.

“In order to thrive we must adopt an integrative approach, understanding the landscape of our mind, our habitual thoughts and behaviours. Through mindfulness practices we can begin to recognise our habits, respond wisely, and to live our best and most fulfilled life”
Danielle Clarkesmith