
Danielle offers in-depth psychotherapy drawing on multiple therapeutic models that are helpful for a range of common psychological difficulties, as well as a means of understanding underlying triggers from the past including Compassion Foccused Therapy, Internal Family Systems Therapy and Core Process Psychotherapy.

The therapeutic process can help us to understand our behaviours, thoughts and feelings in a compassionate and empowering way, building inner and outer connectedness.

Danielle offers a Mindfulness Based approach to psychotherapy, supporting clients to work at their own pace.
I will be opening up to new clients in February 2024. I see clients in person at Evesham Natural Health Centre and Online via zoom.

To make an initial appointment or discuss your needs please email Danielle directly:

You will be invited to a free half an hour consultation.
Pema Chodron
“Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves”